01. Scope and ownership of Manufactura de Maquinaria Quesera, S.L.
This website has been created in order to provide users with detailed information on Remmer, as well as different means through which to connect and communicate with us. Also, it offers the possibility to access information on Manufactura de Maquinaria Quesera, S.L. You can contact us at the following e-mail: info [at]
02. Terms of use and service utilization.
02.01. Obligation to make proper use of the service.
The conditions of access and use of this website are subject to current legislation and the principles of good faith and legitimate use by the user of it being prohibited, in general, any action to the detriment of Manufactura de Maquinaria Quesera, S.L. and contrary to this legal notice.
The user agrees to use this service without incurring in activities that could be considered illicit or illegal, violating the rights of Manufactura de Maquinaria Quesera, S.L. or others, or which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Service or prevent the normal use thereof by other users.
02.02. Content Request.
The user should not requesting any content available through this website using means or procedures other than those that have been made available, other than those that are indicated on the website or other than those normally used Internet and if they do not pose a risk of deactivation of the Service and its contents.
02.03. Prohibitions.
The use of this website for illegal or unauthorized, and specifically but not limited to:
- Any form of violation of third party rights (right to privacy, self-image, rights of intellectual property, etc.).
- Conduct, using this site, all advertising and sending unsolicited emails (spam) or similar communication.
- Introduce viruses, bad files, or any other similar software or programs that might damage or unauthorized alteration of content or systems accessible through this website.
03. Intellectual Property and Industrial Property.
The rights of reproduction, distribution and public communication of the website are the property of Manufactura de Maquinaria Quesera, S.L. All text, designs, content, structure, databases, logos, source codes and other elements of the website are protected by law and existing international treaties on the subject. Manufactura de Maquinaria Quesera, S.L. owns all intellectual property rights needed to operate the website and all the elements that compose it. Any reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other form of exploitation of all or part of the contents of the website, made in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, is strictly prohibited. Violation of these rights will result in pursuit of relevant court proceedings, civil and / or criminal prosecution.
Manufactura de Maquinaria Quesera, S.L. owns the trademarks, logos and domain names associated with the Services provided through its website, being strictly forbidden to reproduce or use not authorized by the copyright holder.
04. Privacy Policy.
All personal data provided through the website for any kind of application, order, sending information, suggestions or the like are subjected to as described in our Privacy Policy, whose content is also an integral part of this Legal Notice and standards of use.
05. Disclaimer.
The user is solely responsible for the infringements that may be incurred or any damage that may cause to others by the improper or unlawful use of the website. Manufactura de Maquinaria Quesera, S.L. is not responsible for any damage or harm that may result from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone faults or disconnections in the operation of electronic or computer system, caused by reasons outside the Company, delays or blocking the use of these systems caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines, overloading of the Internet system or other electronic systems.
Users make use of hyperlinks at your own risk. The links contained on the website to other websites are set purely informational purposes and does not imply any association with the linked websites, nor a recommendation of goods or services offered by these sites. Manufactura de Maquinaria Quesera, S.L. guarantees neither the conditions nor the legality of the contents or the proper provision of services offered to users by outsiders, which can be accessed via links (links) provided on these pages. Is not responsible for hyperlinks that enable their customers to create through their websites. Manufactura de Maquinaria Quesera, S.L. disclaims responsibility for cookies to outside third parties may install in the hard disk of the user's computer.
Nor will result for Manufactura de Maquinaria Quesera, S.L. responsibility for typographical errors or inaccuracies that may be seen in the contents of your website.
06. Service.
Manufactura de Maquinaria Quesera, S.L. reserves the right to provide access to its website, without notice, at its discretion and temporary, and the right to modify, update, amend unilaterally at any time and without notice, presentation, Legal Notice, conditions of service, or use of the website and the contents of it and in any case, with respect to the applicable rules.
07. General.
For many contentious issues arise about the interpretation, application and / or fulfillment of this legal notice and claims that may arise from their use, apply Spanish law. The participants agree to submit to the jurisdiction of Spanish Courts in case of conflict, giving, explicitly, to any other jurisdiction which may apply.